How to Add Pump Saver to Subaru Pressure Washer: Quick Guide

How to Add Pump Saver to Subaru Pressure Washer

Pressure washers are useful tools for cleaning. They can clean driveways, decks, and cars. But, they need maintenance. One important task is adding pump saver. It helps keep the pressure washer in good shape.

What is Pump Saver?

Pump saver is a special fluid. It protects the pump of a pressure washer. It keeps it from freezing in cold weather. It also stops rust and corrosion. This makes the pump last longer.

Why Use Pump Saver?

  • Prevents freezing in cold weather
  • Stops rust and corrosion
  • Extends the life of the pump

Things You Need

Before you start, gather these items:

  • Pump Saver fluid
  • Subaru pressure washer
  • Garden hose
  • Safety gloves

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Turn Off The Pressure Washer

Make sure the pressure washer is off. Unplug it from the power source. This is very important for safety.

Step 2: Disconnect The Water Supply

Disconnect the garden hose from the pressure washer. Make sure there is no water left in the hose.

Step 3: Attach The Pump Saver

Find the inlet where the garden hose was attached. Screw the pump saver bottle onto this inlet. Make sure it is tight.

Step 4: Squeeze The Pump Saver Bottle

Squeeze the bottle to let the fluid flow into the pump. Keep squeezing until you see the fluid come out of the outlet. This means the pump is full.

Step 5: Remove The Pump Saver Bottle

Once the pump is full, remove the pump saver bottle. Screw the garden hose back onto the inlet.

Step 6: Store The Pressure Washer

Now, your pressure washer is ready for storage. Store it in a dry place. Make sure it is safe from freezing temperatures.

Tips for Best Results

  • Use pump saver before storing the pressure washer for a long time.
  • Check the pump for leaks before using the pressure washer again.
  • Wear safety gloves to protect your hands.
How to Add Pump Saver to Subaru Pressure Washer: Quick Guide


How to Add Pump Saver to Subaru Pressure Washer: Quick Guide



What If I Don’t Use Pump Saver?

If you don’t use pump saver, the pump can freeze. It can also rust and corrode. This can damage the pressure washer.

How Often Should I Use Pump Saver?

Use pump saver before storing the pressure washer for more than a month. This will help keep it in good shape.

Can I Use Any Pump Saver?

It is best to use a pump saver made for pressure washers. This will give you the best protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Pump Saver For A Pressure Washer?

A pump saver protects the pump from damage caused by freezing and mineral deposits.

Why Use Pump Saver On Subaru Pressure Washer?

Using pump saver prevents internal corrosion, freezing, and extends the lifespan of your Subaru pressure washer.

How Often Should I Add Pump Saver?

Add pump saver after each use or before storing the pressure washer for an extended period.

Can Pump Saver Prevent Freezing?

Yes, pump saver prevents water inside the pump from freezing, protecting it from potential damage.


Adding pump saver to your Subaru pressure washer is easy. It only takes a few minutes. But, it can save you a lot of trouble. It keeps the pump from freezing and rusting. This makes your pressure washer last longer.

So, follow our guide and keep your pressure washer in top shape. Your pressure washer will thank you. Happy cleaning!

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